Each row represents data from one participant. Each column is an item from the survey. The question titles for items are generally in the first row. Emotional Inteligence: Column B to column AJ are test emotional intelligence but Columns J and column Y are attention checks. Participants that failed the attention checks were not removed from this dataset but were removed for our analysis. Image Judgements: The results of judging the emotion of each image are shown in (columns AK to GV). Each column was denoted as Q3.number1_number2 number 1 denotes the image presented to participants = {'1 Neutral Face full-CI','2 Neutral Face Negative-CI','3 Neutral Face positive-CI','4 Mona Lisa full-CI','5 Mona Lisa negative-CI','6 Mona Lisa positive-CI','7 no eyeBrow full-CI','8 no eyeBrow negative-CI','9 no eyeBrow positive-CI','10 Neutral Face surprised','11 Neutral Face sad','12 Neutral Face neutral','13 Neutral Face happy','14 Neutral Face disgust','15 Neutral Face angry','16 Neutral Face afraid','17 no eyeBrow afraid','18 no eyeBrow angry','19 no eyeBrow disgust','20 no eyeBrow happy','21 no eyeBrow neutral','22 no eyeBrow sad','23 no eyeBrow surprised','24 Mona Lisa neutral'}; number 2 denotes the emotion being rated = {'1 happy','2 afraid','3 surprise''4 sad','5 angry','6 disgust','7 neutral'}; For example, Q3.1_1 means the rating of the happy emotion for the Neutral Face added to its Full CI. Each image has 7 emotion rating and these should sum to 100.