Accumluated noise samples associated with each of 4 responses to the face images are provided as both comma delimited text files (.txt) and tiff images (.tif) One set of files is provided for each participant. Text files are labelled Px_y_condition.txt where x is the participant ID and y is the response for jusgements of surprise 1=unlikely, 2=less unlikely, 3=less likely, 4=likely. Condition can be "Female11"= neutral face with eyebrows, "noBrow" = neutral face with eyebrows, "MonaLisa" = Mona Lisa mage, "Mouth" = attend to mouth region. Text files contain the raw accumated values in row and columns 128x128 with the first row represrnig the top line of the image. As they may arrise from different numbers of trials these data are unscaled. Tiff image files are labelled Px_Respy_condition.tif where x, y and condition are as above. Image files contain the accumated values in row and columns 128x128 with the first row represrnig the top line of the image. These images were scaled using MatLab's mat2gray function and are thus equally weighted irrespective of the numner of trials contributing to each image. The scaled, Tiff image format was used as the basis for our analyses. Note: Files for participant 7 (P7), response 4 for the Mono Lisa image are missing because this participant did not respond '4' to any trial for this image. This participants data were therefore excluded from the analysis of the Mona Lisa image.