% Figure 3. Total, upper and lower Chopper leg power dissipations of the % AC chopper with 4 off, 300 A SiC MOSFET modules clear FontSize = 28; figure(3) clf % PEC power Loss Estimation Results from LTspice Simulation Current = [ 20.00 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 ]; P_Loss_T = [67.3 73.3 118.2 201.2 313.4 449.6 609.9 798.6 1014.8 1262.6 1547.9 1878.6 48.9 60.5 96.2 150.8 223.3 309.1 410.2 528.6 664 819.3 997.4 1195.2 18.4 12.8 22 50.4 90.1 140.5 199.7 270 350.8 443.3 550.5 683.4 ]; plot(Current ,P_Loss_T ,'-.d','LineWidth',3) xlabel('AC RMS Current [A]','FontSize',FontSize); ylabel('Power Loss [W]','FontSize',FontSize); legend('Total Loss','Upper Leg Loss','Lower Leg Loss','Location','NorthWest'); FH = gca; FH.FontSize = FontSize - 2; FH.FontName = 'Times New Roman'; grid